Manifestation is a powerful illusion. It’s capitalism in a magical filter

Georgia Smith-Marr
3 min readJan 22, 2022
Photo from ADWEEK

When I first saw the Twitter campaign, my stomach sank. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. And, before we get into why let’s be completely clear. I’m happy for the people featured in the campaign — glad they’re doing well. The campaign from a purely marketing standpoint is kinda genius. It’s gotten people talking (me included) using Twitter, and most importantly ✨MaKeS tHeM fEeL gOoD✨. Personally, I’m also on the fence about manifestation on the whole.

But this campaign didn’t magically appear out of thin air, it is not in a vacuum. Let’s place it in context. In the majority of countries around the world, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The wealth gap is growing — and it’s capitalism. This build-up happened even before Covid but Covid has made it exponentially worse. There have been protests word wide about equality — race, gender, poverty, class. There has been a shift in culture because many people are — and forgive me for this overused analogy — unplugging from the Matrix.

And yet…

✨If I say it — it will come true✨

✨If I tweet it — it will come true✨

Hmmm, I don’t know about you but this rhetoric sounds familiar? Oh yeah.

✨If I work hard enough I will be successful✨

✨If I pull myself up by the bootstraps, I will be successful✨

✨I am not poor, I’m a millionaire in waiting✨

It’s the continuation of a very American, very individualistic, and very capitalist narrative.

This is capitalism in a magical filter.

It’s a continuation of toxic positivity and this individual narrative that blames people for being where they are.

I’m part of the unregulated, American saturated online business world where essentially anyone can be or do anything. I make my money from it as do many so it has pros. But there are people (I’m looking at you white women) charging thousands of dollars (and a little extra if you can pay upfront and need to pay in installments) who will tell you to buy the course even if you can’t afford it. All you have to do is ✨manifest✨.

I don’t deny elements of manifestation exist, and that it has worked for some people. I think it’s complex and has been corrupted. I can’t be sure. But this current filter is simplifying it and ignoring the structures. People are treating it like a one-size-fits-all. If — and it’s a big if from my cynical nihilistic soul — if the concept of manifestation is real, you need tools and support to aid manifestation. Those who are in poverty, who face racism, gender discrimination, ableism, and many those who live in countries in the global south who are being exploited by countries in Europe and the USA — all they need to do is manifest themselves out of it, right?

My point is this. Before you start being all like this campaign is just wonderful— I will repeat: this does not exist in a vacuum. This has serious ramifications for the work that has been done to challenge the status quo. I’m not saying you have to hate it. But there is a serious need for critical thinking. I know we are all fucking tired. And underpaid. (Most are at least, pretty sure Bezos and Musk are chill). But just like our need to be aware when images are using a filter on Instagram, we need to be aware when big corporations use a filter to trick us. Again.

[This opinion piece was adapted from a conversation that I had with my online friend Aneakaleigh who I always have the most thought-provoking conversations. Find her here.]



Georgia Smith-Marr

`3ewsA neurodivergent anxious bisexual from a working-class background in London. Peace, love, and cynicism. Insta @iwantoburnthisplacedown